You awake in a room awash in pink light. Roses you recognize and strange plants you do not surround you.
>>> read
You pull a note out of your pocket that you wrote to yourself as a child. The note begins to float up slightly and disintegrate...
The pink in this room is flesh-like, warm to your eyes.

Resize the browser to find hidden items. Hover over objects to discover their stories.

The feathery arms of the viney weed sway casually, as if in a soft breeze
A small faint candle is lit behind the wall. The candle is familiar to you, perhaps you have seen it in another place
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Four kneeling women decorate every corner of the room with hair longer than you’ve ever seen. Are they praying or plotting?
A small container with a reddish cap sits near one of the kneeling women. It’s filled with a liquid, maybe ink or perfume