Reddish mushrooms are scattered between strange puddles. In the middle of the glowing green chamber is a single black plant, it’s twisted arms moving like tiny springs.
>>> measure time
You lift up your arm to check the time on your digital watch, put your hand back down and count to 120. Lift your watch back up to see how much time has actually passed...
The smell of turpentine in this room energizes you.

Resize the browser to find hidden items. Hover over objects to discover their stories.

The stone pool reappears, but this time the liquid is dark blue. It's difficult to tell how deep the pool is
Large, red-capped fungi emit a dusty smell
You spot this familiar creature. Is it following you?
This is one of two tombstones in this room. The dirt around them looks fresh
A winged creature that resembles a scorpion or an earwig hangs in the air, suspended staring at its own shadow
There are multiple small pools all over the ground, big enough to fall into or stare at your own reflection
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